ISEEN Community Support in the time of COVID-19 #7

Dear Friends,

The week of May 26th will mark the end of over two months of free programming that we have made available to our members with the help of some great friends and members of ISEEN.  We have worked hard to be responsive to the needs of our membership, offering opportunities for sharing, brainstorming, learning and just being together.  Next week we are offering a culmination to this extraordinary time with our final two Zoom sessions, dedicated to the most critical elements of experiential education: reflecting, conceptualizing and experimenting after our unexpected shared experience.  

Last week's virtual Model Programs and Practices sessions (click here for recordings and presentation slides) are evidence that many of you have already done great work in response to Covid-19, next week we want to take it even further.  We want to include your voices to actively identify and imagine a future that can emerge from this unprecedented opportunity.  We want to energize you to lead change in your schools and beyond, to fundamentally reshape education and subsequently the future.  Wrapping up this school year will not be easy, and will likely leave you with many unresolved emotions and questions.  Next week's sessions will provide meaningful direction and energy to move forward and do the work that is required to serve our schools and most importantly our students. You’ve heard it from us before - we wholeheartedly believe that there is no group of people better prepared to guide schools out of this dissonance.  We hope to see all of you there! 

ISEEN is here for you:

  1. Membership renewal notices went out last week.  At this critical time, renewals are more important than ever.  The future is uncertain, help us solidify it by renewing your membership by August 31st!

  2. Register for the Online Summer Teachers Institute. At $500 it’s a great deal! We’re pivoting and experimenting, so please help us get the word out. The future is uncertain, help us solidify it by spreading the word at your schools!

Experientially yours,

Shoshanna & Taras

Join Us for the First-Ever Online Experience

Online Summer Teachers Institute on Experiential Education Pedagogy


June 15-26, 2020

Cost: $500

We know teachers are feeling drained, this workshop will rejuvenate you and leave you with more energy and excitement for the fall. Reconnect with other teachers and your purpose in a life-giving and comfortable environment. 

Description: The ISEEN Summer Teacher Institutes fuse rigorous academic work with deep thinking about the cognitive learning process through the experiential learning cycle.

The ten day online course will focus on:

Curriculum Development and Coaching: Through discipline-specific, small group cohorts, participants will be given the time to develop and receive feedback on  curriculum and assessments that can be put to immediate use in their classrooms. Led by experts in their field, facilitators help participants rethink assessment, learn new tools from colleagues, and broaden perspectives through immersive, experiential and practical workshops.

Click here for more info and to register.

Please share with colleagues at your school and beyond!

Zoom sessions week of May 25th (registration required)

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

  • Wednesday, May 27, 12:00pm PT/3:00pm ET
    • Reflecting on our time in quarantine: What have we learned? How have we grown? 
    • Topic: After almost three months of having to “pivot” and adapt a lot is still unknown.  Before we move on, it is important to reflect on our shared experience.  We invite you to join us for a facilitated reflection in the good company of ISEEN friends and colleagues. 
    • Click here to register.

  • Thursday, May 28, 1:00pm PT/4:00pm ET

    • Into the unknown: Where do we go from here?

    • A session dedicated to next steps.  How do we identify and act on the silver linings that have emerged from our shared experience during Covid? How can we be proactive in creating the future this crisis has allowed us to imagine?

    • Facilitated by ISEEN board members Vicki Weeks and Simon Hart.

    • Click here to register. 

We need you!


  • Reach out to ISEEN colleagues/friends and see how they are doing. 
  • Use Amazon Smile when shopping at Amazon and designate ISEEN as your charity.
  • Donate to ISEEN directly (donations are tax deductible)
    • Through our website or PayPal ([email protected])
    • Send a check to: ISEEN, 2150 N 107th St, Ste 205,  Seattle, WA, 98133, USA
ISEEN Binge Watching: A Retrospective

In case you are running out of things to binge watch while “staying at home” we have added several videos to the ISEEN Vimeo account:

  1. New this week! Grant Lichtman’s opening session from WI 2015 at Phillips Academy
  2. The Kolbs discuss “their” cycle at Winter Institute 2016 in Hawaii 
  3. Nainoa Thompson's address at Winter Institute 2016 in Hawaii 
  4. Mark Cutler and Kylee Mar’s presentation on Place-Based programming from WI 2016 in Hawaii.
  5. Dan Garvey’s (with help of his son) closing session from Winter Institute 2015 at Phillips Academy.

We will be uploading new videos periodically for your viewing pleasure.

Partner Events/Resources (new events in bold)

Outward Bound Events
World Leadership School Summer Programs
NAIS Guidance for Schools
Outdoor Industry Association - Resources for Outdoor Industry
Free Risk-Management Webinars and Resources
Virtual International Exchange Program
Service-Learning Resource, Kerri Redding, Washington International School
Envoys Campfire for students
World Leadership School Programming
NAIS webinars
AEE- Covid 19 Community Resource Library
NAIS Sharing Solutions
NAIS community Service Networking
Bibliohive - article sharing platform for ISEEN Members

There are certainly many more things happening - we are trying to filter a bit for you, however if you hear of anything valuable happening please let us know so we can share with our members.

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